
A B O U T   M E


Hi, I'm an emerging full-stack Software Engineer and I specialise in web technologies such as React and node.js. I'm academically educated with a recent focus shift since discovering a love for coding after 7 years of experience in Buildings Architecture. My newfound passion for software engineering has given me many new opportunities to express my existing skills.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Ruby
  • Nodejs


  • React
  • Ruby on Rails


  • VSCode
  • SourceTree
  • AutoCAD
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop


  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB


  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Trello
  • Heroku
  • Postman
  • XMind
  • Balsamiq


Full-Stack - Chat App

Met with organisation manager to understand the challenges they faced. Identified problems to solve for the client and defined requirements. Developed a web app and presented the solution to the client. Developed using React, Express and MongoDB.

React - Fruit Picking Game 👉🏻 Website

Created a fruit-picking game using ReactJS with the following features: Add score to scoreboard, background music sound effects, count down timer, calculate the score, and display random fruit. Deployed on Netlify. MongoDB and Express will be added later as a backend to store player scores in features.

Hackathon - Emoji Search App 👉🏻 Website | Presentation | GitHub

Built an app to search emojis in a four-person team in one and half days, Used ReactJS, JavaScript, CSS and HTML including a YouTube presentation and documentation Includes features such as search, click-to-copy emoji, pop-up toast notifications, dark mode and team photos Collaboration with team using GitHub fork workflow and PRs Deployed on Netlify.

Ruby on Rails - Marketplace App 👉🏻 Github

Created a two-sided marketplace with the following features: File upload capabilities, user authentication, messaging, search, sorting and filtering capabilities Developed using Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, and deployed to Heroku.

Portfolio Website 👉🏻 Website

Created a portfolio website to provide information about me, my skills, interests, professional knowledge and a showcase of my work Developed using HTML and CSS.



Cooklang - Managing Recipes in Git

01/01/2022 View More

Cooklang is like markdown for recipes. It lets you write recipes in a human-readable format that a computer can parse to get the ingredient list, steps, etc.

Cooklang - Managing Recipes in Git

01/01/2022 View More

Cooklang is like markdown for recipes. It lets you write recipes in a human-readable format that a computer can parse to get the ingredient list, steps, etc.

Cooklang - Managing Recipes in Git

01/01/2022 View More

Cooklang is like markdown for recipes. It lets you write recipes in a human-readable format that a computer can parse to get the ingredient list, steps, etc.

Cooklang - Managing Recipes in Git

01/01/2022 View More

Cooklang is like markdown for recipes. It lets you write recipes in a human-readable format that a computer can parse to get the ingredient list, steps, etc.

Cooklang - Managing Recipes in Git

01/01/2022 View More

Cooklang is like markdown for recipes. It lets you write recipes in a human-readable format that a computer can parse to get the ingredient list, steps, etc.